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why didn’t you call me last night
而成  detail>>
last night you smiled to me
昨夜你对我一笑  detail>>
you smiled to me last night
昨夜你对我一笑  detail>>
why didn’t you come
为何你不来  detail>>
kiss me the way you did last night
象昨晚那样吻我  detail>>
you am on smiling to me last night
昨夜你对我一笑  detail>>
why didn’t you say so
为什么不早说  detail>>
why are you against me
为什么你背着我爱别人  detail>>
why are you cross with me
你为什么对我生气  detail>>
why are you mad at me
你为什么生我的气  detail>>
why are you picking on me
你干吗老挑我的刺儿  detail>>
honey why you callin me
甜心你为什么叫着我(的名字)  detail>>
why can’t you live with me
为什么你不可以和我一起居住  detail>>
why do you keworrying me
干吗老缠着我  detail>>
why you poking me again
为什么又戳我  detail>>
why you wanana trion me
为何跟我旅行  detail>>
you can tell me why
你可以告诉我为什么  detail>>
on that night you said to me
那晚你对我说  detail>>